And it’s only because 1 good man existed amen

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I just realized one day these rants will be written about by some kid like Ahriman and Lucifer hahahahahha abyss

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When the bad guys win so hard you get ditched or assaulted for being charged with felonies for protecting them and homeless and your on year 4 of no identity and another year without a family eating out the trash see ya time to blow my head off thanks Tommy you KIKe fuck uiu make me look bad but I’m actually just an adult and it if I was like you I’d kill you but I don’t trust this Mk ultra bullshit it suxks but if I say soemtji t it is t conjecture I literally tried to make a run for tk dec ; 2021 i rbiufht of course Tommy was my best friend e and all I wanted was to like run off j tit he wikesetness like Wolverine and hug hk. And tell bi. I loved him he didn’t show but u. Time hi. Ther concesrsdii. If I do t go now in 3-4 years I’ll be I. Prison for whoever did this to me’a crimes well it’s sad how I can’t get a reply yet ice never been wrong or off ever weird huh I am gonna blow my head off without yourse there is no life and I have t fully. Communicated the trutn because how can you I. This relayed or hell dimensions see ya

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